We appreciate your prayers and offerings that make it possible for us to continue to operate, print and ship the Word of God around the world. However, we are currently in need of funds to meet some very important expenses. We shipped a 40 foot container to Liberia and have some left over expenses as a result of shipping that container. Also we recently paid off our paper bill balance of $6,000 which has left us struggling to meet our weekly expenses. We invite you to help us pray that God will supply our needs. We have shipments ready to ship for Mexico, Ghana, and plans underway to ship a 40 foot container to Nigeria. But we need your prayers that God will help guide us as we endeavor to wait on God to supply the means we need to fulfill these requests from those who are hungry to receive God’s Word.

You may make a donation toward any of these needs by clicking on the donation button, located to the right of what you are now reading. Thanks for your prayers and support!

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